Welcome to Maclawili!

We are two experienced professionals who can guide and pressure test biotech or academic innovation project plans. We can help you boil down complex new ideas to a straightforward elevator pitch. We can also do landscaping for those getting into a new area of biotech research or considering making investments in the biotech sector. Both of us are frequently asked for input in our respective areas of expertise, and Maclawili is our way of sharing decades of experience in a manner that doesn´t get in the way of our day jobs.

Marie started out as a lipoprotein specialist in cardiovascular disease, which lead to biotech and pharmaceutical industry positions working with innovation in the field of oligonucleotide therapeutics. Claes’ starting point is mucus (saliva) and oral biology, and this has taken him down a route of bacterial-host interactions, carbohydrate structure of host proteins, and to the human microbiome - combinations of which are valuable in areas such as probiotics and developing alternatives to antibiotics. Both of us have also been heavily involved in teaching, in international industry/academy network founding and financing, and in structuring and running innovation and research projects from idea to outcome.

If you think your needs fit our expertise, send an e-mail to the address below and we'll get back to you with a quick evaluation.

Organisationsnummer/Company registration number: 969791-7053






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